A Male American Civilian in a Press Room Speaking at a Microphone That Has the Words NBC Written on It, 1930s. A Male American Civilian in a Press Room Speaking at a Microphone That Has the Words NBC Written on It, 1930s. The Lindbergh Baby kidnapping case of 1932 - "the crime of the century". All who deal in the written or spoken word communicate with everywhere from Hopewell [New Jersey]. The latest goes out from coast to coast. "Hello everybody, were speaking to you now from the general store in Hopewell, NJ, improvised press headquarters during the Lindbergh case. We have here a flash, which reads as follows: If the kidnappers of our child are unwilling to deal directly, we fully authorise Salvy Spitale and Irving Bitz to act as our go-betweens. We will also follow any other method suggested by the kidnappers, that we can be sure will bring the return of our child. This message is signed Charles A. and Anne Lindbergh". From "Time To Remember - The Tough Guys", 1930s (Reel 2); documentary film, mainly about life in depression- and gangster-hit America.

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