Regatta on the Danube at Buda-Pesth, during the visit of the Emperor of Austria, 1865. Engraving of a sketch by M. Josef Keve of ...a most animated and agreeable scene...The picturesque situation of the twin cities - Buda on the west or right bank, and Pesth on the east or left bank, of tbe noble river, with the magnificent suspension-bridge across its broad waters, and the fortress of Buda, or Ofen, on a commanding height above - has been frequently noticed by admiring travellers. The boats engaged in the rowing-match belonged to several of the local rowing-clubs and to those of Presburg and Rakos; some of them were built in London by Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Searle. The Vienna and Hamburg rowing-clubs had also sent deputations of their members, but none of their boats to compete in the race. The prizes were respectively of the value of one hundred ducats, fifty ducats, and twenty ducats. The Emperor and his suite were accommodated on board one of the steamers of the Austrian Navigation Company, richly furnished and decorated for the occasion; and from this vessel, which is seen on the right, his Majesty enjoyed an excellent view of the sport. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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