The Dutch Church, Austinfriars, recently restored, 1865. The church, or chapel, [in Austin Friars, London] formerly belonging to the monastery of Augustine Friars, which was founded in 1243...was...granted by the King, in 1530, to a congregation of Dutch or German sojourners in London, "to have their service in, for avoiding of all sects of Ana-Baptists, and such like."...It has lately undergone a complete restoration, from the designs of a young architect, Mr. William Lightly...The present fabric is the nave only of the original building...The internal walls are of chalk, and have been carefully restored; the external facing is of Kentish rag, the restoration of which has also been completed. The window-tracery, where too much decayed to be retained, has been restored with new Portland stone, and all the windows have been reglazed with plain glass, by Messrs. Powell...The tie-beams which secure the walls together form an important feature of the design...The new interior fittings are all of oak, as are also the two vestries at the ends of the north and south aisles. The general works have been carried out by Messrs. Browne and Robinson; the oak fittings, by Mr. Spawl, of Norwich; the encaustic tile paving, by Mr. Godwin, of Hereford. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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