Statue of Dr. Jenner, lately erected at Boulogne, 1865. The beneficent discovery of vaccination to prevent smallpox is appreciated so highly by the physicians and scientific men of France, that they proposed, some years ago, at a meeting of the Soci?t? des Sciences Industrielles, Arts, et Belles Lettres of Paris, to erect the statue to Dr. Jenner...[which] now stands on the Place des Bains, at Boulogne...A sculptor of some repute, M. E. Paul, furnished the design, and has superintended the casting, without any pecuniary reward. [The statue]...stands on a marble pedestal about 12 ft. high...[and] measures nearly 10 ft. in height. It is of iron, bronzed by galvanic aid, and cast by M. Brochon...The pose of the figure is easy, and it is clothed in the costume of 1810. The head is slightly inclined, as though absorbed in thought. In the right hand he holds a lancet. The left hand reposes on a pile of treatises placed on a pedestal, from which depends a sketch of a cow. The right foot is firmly placed over the word "Angleterre", while the left is advanced over the word "France". From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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