Opening of the new head-quarters of the 1st Surrey Rifle Volunteers, at Camberwell, [London], 1865. Our Illustration shows the interior of the drill-shed...when the place was formally opened by the Earl of Lovelace, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Surrey...The new building has been erected, at a cost of ?5000, from designs by Mr. Lepard...who is an ensign in the corps, and who has acted as honorary architect. It is replete with comfort and convenience. The drill shed is 150 ft. by 52 ft., with a spacious gallery at one end for visitors. There is a fine room for the assemblage of the men, with a bar fitted up as a canteen, a spacious armoury, dressing-rooms, lavatories, stores for keeping uniforms and private clothing...Around the shed the 1st Surrey were formed up in single file, and near the gallery were stationed a guard of honour of the Hon. Artillery Company, with their excellent band...the corps were complimented by General Pollock on the general excellence of their drill. To Lieutenant Herbert Puckle, honorary secretary, and Lieutenant and Quartermaster Harrison Weir, who were intrusted with the general arrangements, is due much of the credit of the satisfactory manner in which the whole proceedings passed off. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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