Speech Day at Wellington College, at Sandhurst, in Berkshire, 1865. The Prince of Wales (future King Edward VII) was present ...to hear the speeches and recitals and to distribute the prizes among the deserving scholars...His Royal Highness...took his seat upon a raised dais at the farther end of the room, the rest of the hall being filled to overflowing, and the proceedings immediately commenced. The Prince presented the chief of the prizes, the Queens medal being awarded to Mr. Liddell; upon which the Head Master observed that every boy in the school with himself could testify to the excellent conduct of Mr. Liddell, of whom, during the whole time he had been in the school he had not had the least reason to complain. Liddell was loudly cheered on receiving the prize. The Earl of Derby presented his prize for French to Mr. Edwardes, the head of the school, of whose abilities the Head Master spoke in the highest terms...The cheers which greeted Mr. Edwardes as he retired with his prize made the walls of the hall ring again. The French piece was well given, as were, indeed, all the extracts which followed; and the recitation of the English poem, by Mr. Kay, with the Shakspearean representations, were followed by much applause. From "Illustrated London News", 1865.

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