The Punjaub Exhibition of Arts and Industry at Lahore: interior of the building, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by Messrs. Howard, Shepherd, and Bourne, showing ...the interior, looking along the main aisle. On the arches, between this and the side courts, are hung swords of native manufacture; while the tables and cases display rich brocades and horse-trappings, articles of pottery and silver from Cashmere, and the jewellery of Cashmere and Delhi. There are shawls from the looms of Umritsur, carpets, pictures, books, and illuminated manuscripts and many other specimens of native workmanship...[The exhibition] was opened by Sir Robert Montgomery, K.C.B., the Lieutenant-Governor of the province, on the 20th of January, and has been attended by nearly a thousand persons daily, comprising all classes of the natives, from the wealthy shawl merchant to the poor Sikh peasant...This exhibition is well calculated to advance the industrial prosperity of the province. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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