Ruins of Colonel Colts patent firearms factory at Hartford, Connecticut, [USA], recently destroyed by fire, 1864. The extensive factory at Hartford, Connecticut, belonging to a company for the manufacture of Colonel Colts patent firearms - Colts revolver and others, which have obtained a world-wide reputation - was entirely destroyed by fire on the 5th of February last. It contained some of the finest and most ingenious machinery that has ever been produced by human science and skill. The whole value of the factory and its contents was more than two million dollars. In spite of this heavy loss the operations of the company are still actively carried on. They have, we believe, already resumed the manufacture of Colts firearms, which, we presume, are in greater demand than ever in America at the present time. It is expected that before the end of the year the Hartford factory will be completely restored. We have engraved a photograph of the ruins. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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