Illustrations of the Flood at Sheffield: the village of Malin Bridge after the flood, 1864. Aftermath of a burst reservoir, caused by inadequate building materials. Over a hundred people were killed. Engraving of ...a most dreary and desolate view of Malin Bridge - that is, of the almost vacant site where the substantial bridge and the populous, thriving village were to be seen fifteen days ago. The whole of this space, from the foreground of the picture to the ruined houses by the stream, was covered so lately with buildings, which have been shorn off the face of the earth as though a scythe had swept across the level, and only a scattering of stones, with a few mounds of rubbish, stray pieces of timber, and broken iron furniture is left to show where the workshops and the dwellings lately stood...The water rose to the height of sixteen or eighteen feet against those houses which still appear erect in our view of Malin Bridge, and in one of them, it is said, the occupant reached out through his bedroom window, and pulled in a man who was floating by. It was at Malin Bridge and at Hillsborough, and along the road between those places, that there were most houses destroyed. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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