Captain Lott of the Persia, 1864. The Portrait which we give of the well-known commander of the Cunard mail steamship Persia will be acceptable to all those who, as passengers across the Atlantic, have been placed under his care. At New York, as well as at this end of the line, his merits are justly acknowledged. We observe that an entertainment took place the other day at Delmonicos, the fashionable refreshment-rooms in that city, upon the occasion of presenting Captain Lott with an elegant set of silver plate, subscribed for by many ladies and gentlemen who had made the voyage in the Persia, and who wished thus to bear testimony to their confidence, in his skill as a seaman, and their gratitude for his civility and attention. He has made the trip three hundred times. RMS Persia was a British passenger liner that won the Blue Riband in 1856 for the fastest westbound transatlantic voyage. She was the first Atlantic record breaker constructed of iron and was the largest ship in the world at the time of her launch. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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