The British Association at Bath: the village and quarries at Holwell, near Bath, 1864. Two hundred persons, on Saturday, accompanied Mr. C. Moore on the Excursion to the Mendip Rocks, near Frome, where occur the singular combinations of old, up-turned carboniferous limestones, receiving on their water-worn surfaces deposits of rhoetian, liassic, and oolitic beds, and exhibiting in their fissures some vertical bands, which seemed like dykes, and others which really were metalliferous veins. The main purpose of the trip was geological; the additions were archaeological...The quarries of Holwell possess considerable interest for the geologist, in common with other hillsides along the Mendip Range, a district from which Mr. Moore has extracted some of the rare and numerous specimens with which he has enriched the museum of the Bath Institution. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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