The Horse Show in the Agricultural Hall, Islington, [London], 1864. ...a general View of the Interior of the Hall, during the parade of horses which took place at certain hours every day whilst the exhibition was open...On the Monday, the first shilling day...the Royal box was occupied by the Duchess of Wellington, the Duchess of Beaufort, and a party of the aristocracy...During the five days a large number of sales of valuable horses were effected, realising excellent prices, and amongst the purchasers were many foreigners...The total number of animals in the show was 310, and they included forty thoroughbred race stallions, twenty roadster stallions, sixty-nine hunters, thirty-five weight-carrying cobs, ninety ponies, and a number of Arabs, Barbs, Turks, chargers, hacks, state-carriage horses, and others. Upon the whole, the Islington Horse Show has proved a decided success. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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