The suspected Confederate cruiser Pampero seized at Glasgow, 1864. Engraving from a sketch by Mr. Hugh Aird. This vessel...has created a good deal of interest, owing to a suspicion being pretty generally entertained that it was intended to make her a consort to the Alabama, Georgia, and Florida...the Emancipation Society at Glasgow addressed a memorial to Earl Russell...praying for an investigation into the matter. To this Earl Russell replied that the attention of her Majestys Government had already been directed to this vessel. No interference with the vessel took place beyond posting customs officers near her berth and moving from Greenock the gun-boat Goldfinch, one of the tenders to her Majestys ship Hogue, stationed there, and placing her on the opposite side of the harbour to the Pampero. Recently, the Lord Advocate of Scotland instructed the customs authorities to detain her, and she is now in charge of a gang of bluejackets. The Pampero is a handsome steamer of 1000 tons...with direct-acting engines of 200-horse power. She is finely sparred, and her main and fore masts, of iron, are capable of spreading a large area of canvas. Her funnel is telescopic. She has lifting screw, and patent reefing topsails. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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