The South-Eastern Railway works on Dowgate-Hill, [London], 1864. Preparations for ...the proposed railway bridge across the Thames, by which the Charing-cross and South-Eastern Railway traffic is to have access to the future City terminus in Cannon-street. The piers and abutments of the bridge are approaching their completion, and much progress has been made with the viaduct...a very large space has been cleared of houses, and the Engraving shows but the last section of the clearings, between Dowgate-hill on the west side and Little Bush-lane on the east, the view being taken from the tramway near the entrance of the works in Upper Thames-street, looking north. A portion of Cannon-street, with St. Swithins Church behind it, is seen through the opening caused by the most recent demolitions in the centre of the background...To the left hand is the timber centreing upon which the arches of the viaduct are to be formed, the contractors for all this brickwork being Messrs. Wise...The excavations are performed by Mr. Redding...The station and hotel, to be built by Mr. Lucas, will occupy a site of 100 ft. square, and the front will stand back from Cannon street about 75 ft., leaving an ample space...for the accommodation of carriages in waiting. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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