Testimonial to Capt. Iredell, in acknowledgement of his services as Registrar of Cheltenham College, 1862. ...a massive silver-gilt vase, or rather urn, of classical design and exquisite workmanship...supplied from the establishment of Martin and Co., of Cheltenham, goldsmiths to the Queen..., the arms of Captain Iredell being engraved on one side and a view of the college, which he founded, on the other, the ebony base upon which the testimonial rested having inscribed, on a silver tablet, the following record of its object and design: "Presented to James Shrubb Iredell, Esq., formerly Captain in the 15th Regiment Bombay Native Infantry, to commemorate his services as one of the founders of Cheltenham College, and as having, in the discharge of the duties of Honorary Registrar and Director for nearly twenty-two years, been greatly instrumental in bringing the college to its present state of prosperity. 1862. The number of pupils on Captain Iredells retirement from office was 614". From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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