The London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Companys new steam-boat The Prince Imperial, 1864. Our Engraving represents the new paddle-wheel steam-boat Prince Imperial, which was launched a few weeks since from the yard of her builders, Messrs. James Ash and Son, Cubitts Town, Millwall, [London]. This vessel, which is considered the most powerful, in proportion to her tonnage, of all the steamers yet constructed on the Thames, is of 507 tons burden, and her dimensions are 180 ft. length between perpendiculars, 24 ft. breadth of beam, and 12 ft. 6 in. depth of hold. Her engines are by Messrs. Penn and Son. She has lately made a trial-trip from Calais to Dover, previously to being placed on the regular mail-packet service of the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway Company. The passage across the Channel was made upon this occasion in the extraordinary short time of one hour and twelves minutes, the quickest passage ever known. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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