The Right Hon. Warren Stormes Hale, the new Lord Mayor of London, 1864. In accordance with the annual custom of this Journal at the time of the inauguration of a new civic reign, we have engraved the portrait of the new Lord Mayor of London. Mr. Warren Stormes Hale, head of the firm of Messrs. Hale and Sons, candle-manufacturers, of Queen-street, Cheapside, was elected by the Livery, on Thursday, Sept. 29, to preside over their municipality for the ensuing year. There were seven other aldermen who had not passed the chair, and who were eligible for the mayoralty in their turn, but Mr. Hale came first in the order of seniority, having been made an Alderman of Coleman-street Ward in the year 1856, after previously serving as deputy of that ward, and having served the office of Sheriff in 1858. He has been a member of the Court of Common Council during the long period of thirty-nine years, and has rendered himself especially useful in the management of the City of London Schools; having been chairman of the committee by which those schools were established twenty-seven years ago, and having continued, without intermission, to superintend their affairs. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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