Ruins of the Patent Steam Wheel-Works, Pimlico, [London], destroyed by fire, 1864. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. A. Bool. The buildings thus destroyed, consisting of three engine-houses with their boiler-houses, and the greater part of the workshops and warehouses for the stock, formed a very extensive series of buildings, which occupied a space of more than two acres, having a frontage with entrance-gates in Lower Belgrave-place. They were conspicuous by the lofty shaft of a brick chimney rising far above the surrounding housetops. It is fortunate, indeed, that tins tall chimney did not fall and crush everything near it when the roof, by which it was partly supported, gave way and came to the ground. The amount of property destroyed is many thousand pounds, and a great number of workmen in the service of Messrs. Smith, Parfrey, and Smith are thrown out of employment...Much praise is due to the firemen and conductors of the engines present on this occasion...though for many hours after its fury was suppressed there was a smouldering fire in the ruins. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.

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