Liberty Loan parade, 25 Oct 1917. Shows (left to right) Thomas William Lamont, Jr.; William Woodward, president Hanover National Bank; Charles H. Sabin, president Guaranty Trust Company; Martin Vogel, assistant treasurer United States; Gates W. McGarrah, president Mechanics and Metals Bank; James S. Alexander, president National Bank of Commerce; M. Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; Allen B. Forbes of Harris, Forbes & Co.; Seward Prosser, president Bankers Trust Company; Albert H. Wiggins, president Chase National Bank; J.P. Morgan; ; Walter E. Frew, president Corn Exchange Bank; James N. Wallace, president Central Trust Company; Charles V. Rich, vice president National City Bank; ; Jacob H. Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The members of the Liberty Loan Committee were attending a Liberty Loan Parade in New York City on October 25, 1917 during World War I.

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