Presentation of Colours to the Victoria Rifles at Montreal, Canada, 1862. Engraving from a photograph by Mr. Notman. The Victoria Rifle Corps, Montreal, is one of those which was formed last winter at a time when war with its neighbour was deemed imminent in Canada, and is composed entirely of business men, merchants, lawyers, &c., to the number of four hundred, who, by punctual attendance and assiduous attention, have endeavoured to perfect themselves in drill...The colours...were worked by the ladies of Montreal, and were presented...on the Montreal cricket-ground, which was decorated for the occasion...The ceremony of consecration was performed by the Lord Bishop of Montreal, Metropolitan, and the colours were presented on behalf of the ladies by Sir Fenwick Williams of Kars...After the presentation the colours were trooped, and the brigade marched past in open and in quarter-distance column before the largest concourse of people ever assembled to witness a volunteer parade in Canada. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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