Inauguration of the new tower of St. Mary Magdelenes Church, Taunton, 1862. For many years past the old tower had been " condemned...Such, indeed, was the generally insecure and dangerous condition of the whole pile that, at last, even the ringing of the noble peal of bells...was found to be attended with absolute risk to its stability...Mr. G. G. Scott, the well-known ecclesiastical architect, was consulted, was finally "unanimously resolved" that the decided advice...should be acted upon, the whole tower taken down and reproduced facsimile in every detail of the original design...The original tower dated from the late fifteenth century, and it was justly regarded by architects and antiquarians as one of the most notable and elaborate of those towers of the west...[The new] sculptures were, with the approval of the architects, intrusted to the skilful hands of Mr. Boulton, of Worcester. We should not omit to mention the name of the builder, Mr. Davis, of Taunton, who seems to have most satisfactorily performed his part of the work. The total cost (exclusive of such additions as the figures, the rebuilding of the organ, &c.) has, we are informed, amounted to ?6217. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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