Column erected at Novgorod to commemorate the completion of a thousand years of Russias nationality, 1862. The principal figure on the Novgorod Memorial represents Ruric arriving, sword in hand, among the Slavonians. Above him are personifications of the Russian people and of the "Orthodox" (i.e. Russo- Greek) Church; and on scrolls encircling the monument, which is of bronze and in the shape of a bell, are representations of patriots and martyrs, warriors, priests, and poets who have distinguished themselves in Russia, in Lithuania, and even in East Galicia, which, as every one knows, belongs now to Austria, and was formerly part of Poland, though six centuries ago it was included in an independent province governed by a Russian Grand Duke. It is expected that the uncovering of the Novgorod memorial in presence of the Emperor will be accompanied not only by reviews, banquets, and festivities of all kinds, both for the people and for the Court, but also by the publication of certain reforms of a Constitutional tendency. Considering that this is her ten hundredth birthday that Russia is about to celebrate, it is indeed time that she should take some steps towards modifying a system of government which countries...have everywhere abandoned. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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