Casket presented to Mr. Stevens, Secretary to the County Fire Office, 1862. A presentation of a very interesting character took place at the County hire Office...when the secretary, Mr. Charles Stevens, completed the fiftieth anniversary of his entry into that institution. The event was the subject of a special court of directors, at which a testimonial, consisting of a beautifully-chased casket containing five hundred sovereigns, was presented by the chairman, Frederick Squire, Esq., with a warm eulogium upon the meritorious conduct pursued by Mr. Stevens throughout his long career in the service of the office. A large number of the shareholders were present, who joined the directors in the warmest expression of personal regard and esteem...The casket, of which we give an Illustration, bore the following inscription: "This box, containing five hundred sovereigns, was presented to Charles Stevens, Esq., by the members of the County Fire Office on the 16th of July, 1862, on which day he completed his fiftieth year in the service of the company, as a slight token of their regard and esteem, and of their appreciation of his unvarying zeal and assiduity in the discharge of his duties during that period". From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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