The International Exhibition: Tuxfords road traction-engine, 1862. This firm, in fact, holds, according to the trials of the Royal Agricultural Society, the first place as manufacturers of steam-engines; that is to say, when last tried at Carlisle, some four years since, they performed more work with less fuel than any others. Of course, the problem to be solved by all makers is, how to get most work out of a pound of coal; and year by year, by some improvement often apparently slight, they have gone on reducing the consumption of coal and increasing the production of power...On the level road it will, of course, pull its load behind it; but when an acclivity is reached the load is cast off and the engine uses all its power to master the gradient by itself. When at the top it expends its power to draw the load up by the rope which was let out during its own ascent. These locomotives are used in Australia and in Norway; but as yet they have found a more ready sale in the West Indies, being there employed to connect the sugar-works and drive the sugar-mills. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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