The International Cattle Show at Poissy, [northern France], 1862. At present the town is merely remarkable for its cattle market, which is held every Thursday, and furnishes, along with Sceaux, nearly all the meat supplies to Paris. The days of both are, however, numbered, and they will be shortly removed nearer the capital, to a place called La Villette, which will be far more convenient for the butchers and more favourable to the popularity of future International Cattle Shows...Our English exhibitors were much alarmed at the commencement of the meeting by a rumour which got abroad to the effect that all prize animals were to be slaughtered at Poissy, and subjected to a committee of taste, presided over by a professional cook. This was a terrible blow to the hopes of those who cherished visions of priority at Bingley and the new Metropolitan Hall; but, though a veritable regulation, it was not insisted upon. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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