The Godolphin School, Hammersmith, [west London], 1862. This school...receives its name from William and Elizabeth Godolphin, who...left a considerable sum of money for educational purposes...The annual charge for day scholars is only ?8...the school was located at Hammersmith, there being up to that time no public grammar-school either in Hammersmith itself or in the adjacent districts of Fulham, Chiswick, and June last the Lord Bishop of London laid the first stone of the building...which will be opened after the Midsummer holidays. It will afford excellent accommodation for 40 boarders and for 160 day scholars. The projecting part on the right is the south end of the large schoolroom. The windows on the ground floor to the left of the schoolroom are those of classrooms. The three windows on the other side of the principal entrance belong to the dining-hall. The two lines of windows above the main part of the ground floor are those of dormitories, sick - room, bathroom, &c. The private residence of the Head Master is on the left. The cost of the building and fittings (exclusive of site, boundary - walls, &c.) is about ?6000. The architect is Mr. Charles H. Cooke...and the works have been carried out by Mr. Fitzwater. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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