Mr. George Peabody, 1862. Mr. George Peabody, the well-known American banker in London, [made] extraordinary gift to the poor of the metropolis..."My object being to ameliorate the condition of the poor and needy of this great metropolis, and to promote their comfort and happiness, I take pleasure in apprising you that I have determined to transfer to you the sum of ?150, is my intention that now and for all time there shall be a rigid exclusion from the management of this fund of any influences calculated to impart to it a character either sectarian as regards religion, or exclusive in relation to local or party is my wish and intention that the sole qualifications for a participation in the benefits of this fund shall be an ascertained and continued condition of life such as brings the individual within the description...of "the poor" of London, combined with moral character and good conduct as a member of society. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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