New church at Titsey, Surrey, 1862. The beautiful church recently erected at Titsey, Surrey, by Granville Leveson Gower, Esq., of Titsey Park, is built on the site of the old one, and, in consequence of the height of the tower and spire (96ft.), is seen as an object of great beauty from the whole surrounding country...The church, the style of which is Early English, comprises the nave, chancel, side mortuary chapel, and vestry, together with a handsome tower about 45ft. high, surmounted by a spire of about equal height...The walls are of Bath stone; the roof of fine open timber-work...Immediately adjoining the chancel, on the north, is the mortuary chapel: it is over the family vault, and is designed to contain the old monuments of the Gresham family, to whom the estates belonged from the time of Henry VIII., and from whom they have descended to the present owner...Altogether, Titsey Church is, perhaps, one of the most elegant and complete village churches to be found in that part of the kingdom. The architect was Mr. Pearson, of London; and Mr. Carruthers, of Reigate, the contractor. From "Illustrated London News", 1862.

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