Carte du monde (mappemonde) de 1763; reproduction supposee de la carte de leunuque chinois et explorateur maritime Zheng He (Zheng-He ou Cheng Ho) (1371-1433) ou Hajji Mahmud (nom arabe) de 1418; decrivant ses voyages aux Ameriques et en Australie. Selon dautres; il sagirait de la reproduction dune carte europeenne du 18eme siecle. Decouverte par Lui Gang en 2005. Chinese map of the world dated 1763; claiming to be a reproduction of a 1418 map of Zheng Hes (1371-1433) voyages and to prove that Zheng He sailed both to Australia and the Americas. Many think the map is more likely to be based on 18th century European maps. Discovered by Lui Gang in 2005. ©UIG/Leemage

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