White terror: a group of muscadins or reactors; led by Freron; nicknamed the ??black collets??as a sign of mourning; in relation to the death of Louis XVI show their rejection of the revolutionary order - Reunited in a band around singers and composers Pierre Garat and Jean Elleviou; Ange Pitou; playwright Alphonse Martainville and publicist Isidore Langlois; led by the Marquis de Saint-Huruge; an adventurer; and increasingly taking a counter-revolutionary orientation; they led a noisy agitation in the Palais-Royal district in Paris (First White Terror: Muscadins; or Incrediables; in 1795; carrying their ?????constitutions??refer to mobs of young men; relatively well-off and dressed in a dandyish manner; who were the street fighters of the Thermidorian Reaction in Paris in the French Revolution - After the coup against Robespierre and the Jacobins of 9 Thermidor Year II; or 27 July 1794; they took on the remaining

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