Monument in Carlisle Cathedral to the officers and privates of the 34th Regiment who fell in the Crimean Campaign, 1861. Monument in Carrara marble by Steele of Edinburgh. The figure of Fame is gracefully represented mourning over the fallen, and suspending above their names wreaths of laurel. The central compartments contain the names of the officers and the number of the sergeants, corporals, drummers, and privates...viz., Captains John Shiffner and John Robinson; Lieutenants Francis Richard Hurst, Hector Maclean Lawrence, Henry Daniel Alt, William Walker Jordan, Robert Browne Clayton, Norman Ramsay; thirteen sergeants, eleven corporals, four drummers, and two hundred and eighty-nine privates. [An inscription reads]: "This tablet commemorates the heroic and devoted services of the officers whose names are above inscribed, and of the non-commissioned officers, drummers, and privates of her Majestys 34th, or Cumberland, Regiment, who were killed in action or died from the effects of arduous duty in the trenches before Sebastopol during the Crimean campaign, 1854-55. Erected by General Sir Thomas Macdougall Brisbane...Colonel of the Regiment, and the surviving comrades of those who so gallantly fell, 1857". From "Illustrated London News", 1861.

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