The Coronation of the King and Queen of Prussia: the procession from the castle church, K?nigsberg, after the coronation - from a sketch by our special artists, 1861. The Castle Church, in which the ceremonies were gone through, was resplendent with gilded decorations and velvet drapery...At ten oclock the Royal procession, being duly marshalled, proceeded from the castle to the church, heralded by "The Coronation March," composed by Meyerbeer expressly in honour of the event. Included in the procession were the chief officers of the Court and Royal household, the representatives of the various districts of the kingdom, the bearers of the Royal insignia, and all the recognised "trappings of monarchy." Next came his Prussian Majesty King William I., gorgeously apparelled in the robes of the Order of the Black Eagle, followed by the Crown Prince and the other members of the Royal family, together with the Queen, Crown Princess, and their attendant suites. From "Illustrated London News", 1861.

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