English church to be erected at Karlsbad, Bohemia, 1861. The first English church in Austria. ...the many hundreds of English families yearly visiting Karlsbad [had] no better place of worship than a ballroom or the saloon of an almost inaccessible Gasthaus...Sir Henry Bentinck (a Crimean hero), laid the [foundation] stone, with an appropriate address, which was translated into German...The design is by Ewin [sic] Christian, Esq., and shows great taste, being a simple Early English chapel, with high-pitched roof and bell turret. A portion of the Gartenthal, a site both quiet and easy of access, was purchased for the sum of ?100, and vested, by direction of the Austrian Government, in the names of five English noblemen and gentlemen. It is estimated that about ?150 have still to be collected; and, as many who have benefited by the waters of Karlsbad may like to contribute, we may mention that subscriptions "for the English church in Karlsbad" will be gladly received by the treasurer, E. Marjoribanks, Esq.; Messrs. Coutts, Strand; or by the Rev. Mesac Thomas, secretary of the Colonial and Continental Church Society, 9, Serjeants Inn, Fleet-street. From "Illustrated London News", 1861.

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