St. Marys Church, South Dalton, Yorkshire, 1861. Newly-built church in the united parish of South Dalton and Holme-on-the-Wolds, ...a good example of a country church. It is from the designs of Mr. J. L. Pearson, of Harley-street, and has been built as a thank-offering by Lieut.-General Lord Hotham, M.P., the patron and principal landowner, at a cost exceeding ?20,000. The style is late Early English or Transition Decorated. Outside it is Steetley and inside Hildenley stone, which last is laid in dark mortar, to relieve its whiteness; but there is an absence of constructive and decorative polychrome, which is now the vogue, and which Mr. Pearson has himself freely used in some of his recent works...The plan is cruciform - deep chancel with two side chapels, transepts, and nave, with a south porch; but the chief feature is a richly-ornamented western tower and spire, 200ft. high, with an open belfry-stage. The roofs of the porch and tower are groined in stone, and the remainder of the church has a bold open-timber roof. From "Illustrated London News", 1861.

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