Sword presented by the Common Council of London to Lieutenant-General Sir James Outram, G.C.B., on Thursday week, 1860. In accordance with a vote of a Court of Common Council held some time ago the Freedom of the City of London and Swords, of the value of one hundred guineas each, were presented to Lord Clyde and Sir James Outram...in the Council Chamber, Guildhall. The presentation took place before a large assemblage of spectators, whose enthusiastic reception of the two gallant soldiers testified the admiration of their late glorious career in India...Sir James Outrams sword is most elaborately ornamented, the cross upon the handle bearing the cipher in monogram of the illustrious hero. The scabbard, of silver gilt, which is covered with crimson velvet, is enriched by the armorial bearings of Sir James and of the City, very beautifully painted in enamel upon fine gold, finished with devices of an Oriental character. The execution was intrusted to Messrs. Widdowson and Veale, of the Strand, and is marked by their usual good taste. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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