Progress of the Prince of Wales in Canada - view of part of the city and river of Ottowa, from the Barrack Hill, the site of the new Parliament Buildings - from a sketch by our special artist, G. H. Andrews, 1860. Taking a birds-eye view of the valley of the Ottawa, we see spread out before us a country equal to ten times the extent of Massachusetts, with its great artery the Ottawa curving through it...At the western extremity of the city are the celebrated Chaudiere Falls, a scene of imposing grandeur...A suspension-bridge...spans this foaming chasm, and unites Upper with Lower Canada...the scenery around the city is of unsurpassed beauty - wild, romantic, and picturesque...The commerce of Ottawa is constituted almost wholly of lumber, both square and sawn, which passes through the city from the forests in the rear...The future of Ottawa it is not difficult to foresee. Situated in the centre of a fertile and rapidly-developing country; holding, as it were, the key of the lumber trade; possessing inexhaustible water is become a place of important manufacturing operations; and, in the event of the Ottawa and Georgian Bay Ship Canal being carried into effect, it will stand on the great water highway to the west. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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