The Paris Fashions for September, 1860. 1. Morning Dress. Jaconet peignoir, with two narrow flounces; on the upper part of each flounce is a quilling...[with] a blue silk ribbon. The Zouave casaque is of the same material...Small cap a la Charlotte Corday, of Alen?on lace and ribbon...Narrow linen collar...2. Walking Dress...of rose-coloured mousseline de soie. The skirt is trimmed at the bottom with two flounces edged with silk, above which is a third flounce entirely of silk. The corsage ...[has] silk lapels. Sleeves trimmed like the skirt. A wide ribbon, with large bow and long ends, ornaments the waist. White muslin under-sleeves. Rice-chip bonnet, with tuft of roses on the front; underneath, in the tour-de-tete a small garland of roses a llmp?ratrice. 3. Dress for a Morning Call. The trimming...consists of a band of stuff furnished with a second narrow fluted band, and attached in such a manner as to appear like a double skirt. The same trimming which forms the ornament of the corsage makes the latter also appear like a double one...The skirt and the body are closed by barrel-buttons in passementerie, the sleeves having the same ornament. Straw bonnet, with a lace scarf tied over the summit and falling gracefully on one side. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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