Review of Derbyshire Rifle Volunteers at Chatsworth Park - from a drawing by T. Walton, 1860. ...about 25,000 persons assembled to witness the review...Upwards of 12,000 volunteers were reviewed, the whole division under the command of Brigadier the Marquis of Harrington...Sir George Wetherall, the reviewing officer, in a short speech highly complimented the volunteers...The troops having formed three sides of a square, with the cavalry and mounted volunteers on the right. General Wetherall advanced to the centre, and the mounted officers and rifle volunteers who had been spectators gathered round as General Wetherall addressed the troops as follows: "What I have witnessed to-day confirms the opinion I have already formed that the volunteers of England, with very little and ordinary attention to their drill, will soon be fit for all the exigencies of war"....Three cheers were then given for Sir R. Wetherall, who, accompanied by the Duke of Devonshire, the Marquis of Harrington (who commanded), and the Staff, then left the ground amidst the cheers of spectators and the booming of cannon... The men were afterwards provided with refreshments at the cost of the Duke of Devonshire, who is Lord Lieutenant of the county. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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