The attack on the Peiho Forts on the 21st of August, 1860 - sketched by our special artist from the head-quarters of the military train, Tung-Ku, 1860. British forces in China. ...the Royal Marines advanced with scaling-ladders and pontoons...As the storming party got close, the fire poured into the fort from our batteries became absolutely terrific. Five or six shot or shell went flying into it every minute, and the enemy could not show themselves above the parapet at all. Through the loopholes, however, they kept up a heavy fire...On arriving at the first ditch, great difficulty was...experienced in laying the pontoons, the men being knocked over here by the dozen. The Engineers under Colonel Mann, and the Royal Marines under Colonel Travers...planted the ladders against the wall, and over they went...The Tartars fought bravely, even after our men got in, using spears and swords, as well as matchlocks, and were shot and bayonetted in numbers. They finally fled, however, through the embrasures on the southern side of the fort, and endeavoured to make their escape to the next fort, about half a mile off, few with success, however, the greater number being shot in the attempt. Our loss in killed and wounded amounted to 201. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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