Lieut.Col. Dunne, Commander of the English Battalion in Sicily, 1860. British military fighting in Italy, as part of a ...battalion composed of North Italians and Palermitans...Lieutenant-Colonel Dunne...was formerly in the 44th Regiment of Foot, and afterwards with Beatson as an officer of Bashi-bazouks in the Crimea. He has gained the grade of Lieutenant-Colonel with Garibaldi, having left the English Army with the rank of Captain. Colonel Dunne was with Garibaldi and Missori when the three were charged by Neapolitan cavalry. He succeeded in bringing down his man by a well-delivered pistol-ball, whilst the General did the same for the Captain with his sword, and Missori with his revolver abruptly stopped the career of a third. From "Illustrated London News", 1860.

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