Quadruple Alliance. Formed in London on 2 August 1718 by the Holy Roman Empire, the United Provinces of the Netherlands, France and Great Britain, with the aim of forming a coalition in response to Spanish belligerence that refused to abide by the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 in relation to the former Spanish territories in Italy and the Netherlands. By signing the "Treaty of The Hague" (17 February 1720), Spain acceded to the Treaty of the Quadruple Alliance, which reorganised a division of disputed territories. This treaty was ratified by King Philip V of Spain in Aranjuez on 20 May of that year. Article VI. Collection of the Treaties of Peace, Alliance, Commerce adjusted by the Crown of Spain with the Foreign Powers (Coleccion de los Tratados de Paz, Alianza, Comercio ajustados por la Corona de Espana con las Potencias Extranjeras). Volume II. Madrid, 1800. Historical Military Library of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

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