Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a singed hair. A singe is a slight scorching, burn or treatment with flame. This may be due to an accident, such as scorching one's hair when lighting a gas fire, or a deliberate method of treatment or removal of hair A singe is a treatment available at a barber's. A lit taper (candle) or other device is used to lightly burn and shrivel the hair. Singeing is still sometimes used to bond natural hair to hair extensions. Pre-industrialised cultures have also used singeing as a means to trim scalp or body hair, as a part of normal grooming or during ritual activity. Head hair grows at a rate of about six inches per year so hair will grow from the roots at the scalp, and with time burned strands will be replaced. Magnification: x130 when printed 10cm high.

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