Municipality of Joachimsthal (Schorfheide): Imperial Train Station (German: Kaiserbahnhof) Joachimsthal; built 1898; side view; The train station along railway line Britz - F黵stenberg; a deviation of the Berlin - Stettin railway line; was built; in 1898; to serve the needs of German Caesar (Kaiser) Wilhelm II. He wanted to reach his nearby hunting lodge Hubertusstock (Jagdhaus Hubertusstock) in the Schorfheide forest; in a most comfortable way. The station consisted of three buildings: a hotel; a restaurant and the Kaiserpavillon (Imperial Pavilon); all built in truss or timbering style. Most prominent is the railway station; also called Kaiserpavillon (Imperial Pavilon); which was decorated with a Prussian Eagle above the entrance and got wooden dragons; at its roof gables. The Kaiser loved Norway and archtiectural style of Norwegian romanticism. The railway station; until 1998; was called Bahnhof Werbellinsee (Lake Werbellin). In 1981; German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt arrived here to visit leader of GDR; Erich Honecker at Jagdhaus Hubertusstock.

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