- The Capitoline Wolf (Lupa Capitolina; La louve du Capitole ou louve Capitoline; die Kapitolinische Wolfin).The bronze sculpture depicts a scene from the legend of the founding of Rome. The sculpture shows a she-wolf suckling the mythical twin founders of Rome; Romulus and Remus.The age and origin of the Capitoline Wolf are controversial. The statue was long thought to be an Etruscan work of the fifth century BC; with the twins added in the late 15th century AD; probably by sculptor Antonio Pollaiolo. However; radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating has found that the wolf portion of the statue is likely to have been cast between 1021 and 1153.- The statue is in the Sala della Lupa (Hall of the She-wolf) in the Conservators' Apartment. (Appartement des Conservateurs).The floor mosaic is invaluable: an ancient artefact found in 1893 and then reassembled in this space- Palazzo dei Conservatori; Musei Capitolini. (Capitoline Museums ; Palais des Conservateurs - Mus閑s du Capitole; Konservatorenpalast - Museen Kapitolinischen).- Rome ; Italy. 2020.

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