Mosaic with scenic mask (Mosaique avec masques de sc鑞e)2nd century AD. cm 74;6.Two theatrical masks; of a hetaera / Hetaira (Hetaire; Hetaire) and a slave; associated with the New Comedy genre.The mosaic represents two masks leaning on a socle projecting out from two walls that meet at an angle; seen in perspective. Two flutes lean on one wall. Their shadows project onto the wall. The female mask depicts a woman with large eyes and wide-open mouth. A ribbon; kontted into a bow at the center of her brow; appears in her curly hair with long ringlets. The physiognomic features of the man are exaggerated and ridiculed. The mouth is enormous; the nose is large and squashed. The eyes bulge out; and the cheeks are wrinkled. On his head is a crown of ivy and berries; decoration associated with the cult of Dionysus (Dionysos / Bacchus); which was linked closely to the birth of the Greek theater.- Palazzo Nuovo; Musei Capitolini. (Capitoline Museums ; Mus閑s du Capitole; Museen Kapitolinischen).- Rome ; Italy. 2020.

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