Charon Painter; Lekythos (farewell at the grave); clay; quickly turned; painted (ceramic); alternately fired; cold painting; clay; Total: Height: 30 cm; ceramic; High Classical (Greek antiquity); In Greek antiquity; all vessels for ointment and perfume oils were called lekyths; today the term is used for this special type of vessel. The farewell at the grave is depicted. On both sides of a pillar-shaped grave stele with a simple kymation on a three-tiered pedestal stands one figure each. On the left is a woman dressed with a peplo and her hair held by a jacket. She has stretched out her arms to the tomb in order to decorate the pillar with a ribbon of cloth (gr. T鋘ie). On the right is a young man; who is wrapped in a cloak reaching down to his feet. The upper end is formed by a meandering band between two double lines. The shoulder is decorated with palmette tendrils in black and red.

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