Statuette lekythos in the shape of an Eros; clay; pressed into the form; quickly turned; painted (ceramic); cold painting; clay; turned; hand formed and painted; Total: Height: 25;50 cm; Width: 18;00 cm; Base diameter: 10;00 cm; Ceramics; History of Cupid; Cupid (Eros); Late Classicism (Greek antiquity); The god of love Eros appears in the midst of green and blooming nature. His body unfolds effectively in front of the foil of the spread wings and tendrils. Eros seems to have settled down - coming straight from the air - in a sanctuary indicated by the pillar on his left. In his left hand he holds a shell; which probably served as a container for ointments or make-up. The small box in his right hand; hanging from a ribbon; was given to women on their wedding day to store their jewelry. Unsuitable for daily use; the lekythen used as anointing oil vessels served either as votive offerings or grave goods. The back is formed by an acorn lekythos with its own foot; turned on the disc and then halved.

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