Penthesilea Painter; bowl form B (outside: visit to the horse stable; inside: two boys making music); clay; quickly turned; painted (ceramic); alternately fired; clay; total: height: 11 cm; diameter: 27 cm; inscription: Pictures inside and outside: ?? ???S ????S ('The Boy is Beautiful'); Ceramics; Meander; young man; teenager; lyre; lyre; zither; psaltery; making music; leading the horse on the rein; horse; spear; hunting; hunt; strict style; Greek antiquity; The flat bowl on a high foot shows two classical pictorial themes of red figure vase painting. In the inner picture; which is framed by a meandering band; a boy sits on a diphros (stool) on the left; his coat wrapped around his legs and abdomen. The curly hair is held together by a red bandage. In his left hand he holds a lyre (with turtle shell) and reaches for the strings. With his resting right he has grasped a plectrum connected to the lyre with a red band. His counterpart seems to be only a little older. The young man is dressed in a coat and has supported himself on a stick; as the noble Athenians used to do. He also wears a bandage in his hair; which is much shorter. With his left hand he points to the instrument. You can literally feel the older one giving the younger one a few tips on how to play the lyrics. Above both of them is the favorite inscription ho pais kalos ('The boy is beautiful'). The outside of this bowl; on the other hand; was adorned with another pleasure that the wealthy Athenians indulged in. On side A; two horses and their riders face each other. The young men hold their animals by the reins. They are clothed with a short coat held together in front of their shoulders by a fibula and each holds two long spears in their hands. The right young man is depicted frontally; but has his head turned towards the left group. His curly hair is tied up; the left one looks at his companion; a petasos hangs in the back and two long twisted strands fall from the head down to the shoulder

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