Canosiner Askos with head of the Medusa; Formerly Johannes W. F. Collection Reimers (Hamburg); clay; quickly turned; hand modeled; pressed into the form; painted (ceramic); cold painting; clay; Total: Height: 45 cm; Diameter: 35 cm; Muzzle diameter: 14.3 cm; Base diameter: 17.5 cm; Ceramics; Medusa; Late Classicism (Greek Antiquity); Early Hellenistic; Antiquity; The characteristic inventory of a Canosin chamber tomb includes the mighty Askos; a type of vessel that can be understood as the transformation of a filled wine tube made of animal skin into clay. The polychrome painting played an important role in all the Canosin Askoi. Here two masks of the Gorgo Medusa - recognizable by the snakes knotted at the neck - sit on the pink vessel wall. On the neck are clearly visible remains of a painted seven-leaf palmette. Unpainted areas on the sides indicate that further plastic elements were added. Together with other vessels; this Askos can be assigned to a grave called Ipogeo Reimers.

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