William Henry Jackson; Quer閠aro; Mexico. Monument to Maximilian von Habsburg; albumin paper; black and white positive process; image size: height: 25 cm; width: 33.6 cm; inscription: verso: in lead: v. Hesse - Wartegg; Geographical Society; in Hamburg; library; travel photography; monument; landscape with plants; city; city view (veduta); group portrait; vehicles covered with animals (carriage etc.); man; woman; dog; horse; standing figure; sitting figure; headgear; hist. Building; location; street; Mexico; With the aim of establishing a monarchy in Mexico dependent on France; the Habsburg Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria (1832-1867) was enthroned as Emperor of Mexico in 1864 at the instigation of Napoleon III. After the withdrawal of the French in 1866; Maximilian could no longer hold on to power. In May 1867; he was captured by the troops of the legitimate government around Benito Ju醨ez in Quer閠aro and; following a court-martial decision; was shot on June 19; 1867; along with his generals Miguel Miram髇 and Tom醩 Mej韆. In 1886; a first monument was erected at the place of execution; which the American photographic pioneer William Henry Jackson (1843-1942) captured in pictures during his excursions to Mexico. It consisted of three enclosed stone pillars with the names of the executed. Today; a chapel consecrated in April 1901 commemorates Maximilian at this site.

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